


The TRIAL welcomes submissions year-round. Attach your submission as a doc/pdf and send it to:

We publish poetry and essays. Our understanding of ‘poetry’ is loose, however, and we are interested in all sorts of art in words.

We look especially for writing that is challen
ging. We want political essays that critique the conditions of the world with clarity. Perhaps that even offer new, viable political alternatives. We want poetry that destabilizes the hierarchies of the world, that turns things around and upside-down, and that mysteriously makes life more curious, beautiful, and—sure, why  not—fun. We like poems that are funny, sexy, and revolutionary all the same.

We posit an ongoing revolution that takes beauty as seriously as it does critique. Both are essential ingredients in building radical-democratic worlds. We hope you send us writing that does either—ideally both.

Make history—take part in The TRIAL.

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